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Engineering Consulting Research Institute

In order to strengthen the construction of technological innovation and professional consulting service capabilities, the company has established an Engineering Consulting Research Institute with 12 research centers, focusing on the functional goals of "technological breakthroughs and industrial leadership". The company focuses on its advantageous business areas and emerging business areas, and has advanced the layout of key technology development and industrial incubation, promoting the transformation of technology research and development to industrialization of achievements, and cultivating and expanding emerging business areas.
  • Company Engineering Consulting and Research Institute

Shanghai Jianke Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd

  • Telephone:021-64687800

  • Address:6th Floor, Building 1, No. 75 Wanping South Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

鹤岗市| 台北县| 双牌县| 伊春市| 瓮安县| 晋城| 瑞金市| 大余县| 安图县| 噶尔县| 虎林市| 谢通门县| 丰顺县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 襄汾县| 贵州省| 原平市| 嘉鱼县| 丹寨县| 凯里市| 南召县| 东平县| 赣州市| 凤台县| 托克逊县| 和平区| 合阳县| 吉安县| 尼玛县| 扎兰屯市| 甘洛县| 彭阳县| 读书| 江都市| 衡南县| 东源县| 资源县| 万山特区| 昆明市| 陇川县| 平江县| 大丰市| 准格尔旗| 泉州市| 南丰县| 黔西县| 威海市| 鄂托克旗| 连云港市| 聊城市| 沧源|